A Message from Naya Traveler

A Message from Naya Traveler


We are, as travelers, curious people in constant search for beauty and emotion in the world. Nevertheless, the world has sent us a message too loud to fall on deaf ears. A call to action that can only be answered in unison—resisting our intrinsic need to come together and connect with others, to explore our planet in all its colourful diversity, and rejoice in the deeply transformative experience travel has in our lives.


Let this moment of pause we are asked to take not be in vain. Take this chance to turn your gaze inward, tap into lessons learned and memories made on the road, unfold your creativity and inspiration at home, and feed your sense of curiosity for future journeys to come. Because this is not going to last forever, and when the world has healed, together again, we will step out into the wonders that will have patiently awaited our arrival.  This time, with a heightened sense of appreciation, a stronger commitment to the wellbeing of others, and a conscious sensibility towards the things we once took for granted. 


Though our journeys have been put on hold for now, we will continue to inspire you with stories, dispatches and mementos every day. 


Stay safe &

thank you for standing by!


The Naya Recipe Book


Travel Solo, Travel Far